Clyde Semler: Cuando Vuelva A Tu Lado / Vocal and Piano by Clyde Semler / xxiii.iii.xii
Clyde Semler: Ain't Misbehavin' by Fats Waller / Vocal and Piano by Clyde Semler / ix.iii.xii
Clyde Semler: Psyché by Émile Paladilhe (1844-1926) / Vocal and Piano by Clyde Semler / viii.iii.xii
Clyde Semler: Der Neugierige (The Eager Questioner) by Franz Schubert / Vocal and Piano by Clyde Semler / vii.iii.xii
Clyde Semler: If You Could Only Come With Me / from Bittersweet by Sir Noel Coward, 1929 / Vocal and Piano by Clyde Semler / vi.iii.xii
Clyde Semler: New Year's Greetings from California -- xxxi.xii.xi
Clyde Semler: A Christmas Love Song - xxv.xii.xi
Clyde Semler: Lovesick - xxix.xi.xi - Recorded with Zoom Q3HD
Clyde Semler: Digital Speedpainting Portrait Demo of Passionateartist - ii.xi.xi - for jkpp
Clyde Semler: Digital Speedpainting Portrait Demo of Erica St Leonards - xxv.x.xi - for jkpp - Revised and Improved Version
Clyde Semler: Digital Speedpainting Portrait Demo of Elena Vataga - xxv.x.xi - for jkpp - Revised All New All Talking Version