clydeorama: Wilson Takes NHL Ice for First Time
clydeorama: Clowe Hit
clydeorama: Holtby Penalty Kill Save
clydeorama: Zuccarello and Hendricks
clydeorama: Erskine Keeps Callahand Outside
clydeorama: McDonagh and Ovechkin Go For Puck
clydeorama: Johansson Takes Puck in a New Direction
clydeorama: Erskine Tries to Stop Dorsett
clydeorama: Holtby Stops Dorsett
clydeorama: Erskine Misfires, Brouwer Jumps Anyway
clydeorama: Deployed Defense
clydeorama: Wilson Checks Pyatt
clydeorama: Hagelin Across Blue Line
clydeorama: Fehr Around Stralman
clydeorama: Ribeiro in Lundqvist's Crease
clydeorama: Hillen Shoots Through Pressure
clydeorama: Boyle and Wilson Share Words
clydeorama: Carlson Shoots From Point
clydeorama: Chimera With Puck in Corner Around Richards
clydeorama: In Front of and Behind the Net
clydeorama: Ribeiro Makes Boyle Mad and Draws Retaliation Penalty
clydeorama: Boyle Reacts to Penalty Call
clydeorama: Ward Shoots and Scores
clydeorama: Ward and Ovechkin Celebrate Ward's Power Play Goal
clydeorama: Happy Capitals Celebrating Goal
clydeorama: Happy Capitals Celebrate Goal
clydeorama: Ward Catches Ovechkin
clydeorama: Celebrating Ward's Power Play Goal
clydeorama: Capitals Celebrating Goal
clydeorama: Wilson Challenges Moore For Puck