Clyde Bentley:
Confederates muster
Clyde Bentley:
Union forces meet them
Clyde Bentley:
The Stars & Stripes advances
Clyde Bentley:
Rebel artiliary prepares to fire
Clyde Bentley:
Yankee guns respond
Clyde Bentley:
Confederate cavalary
Clyde Bentley:
The charge of the farmer brigade
Clyde Bentley:
Battle of Boonville - 25
Clyde Bentley:
Union infantry fires a volley
Clyde Bentley:
Blast from a Union cannon
Clyde Bentley:
Union volunteers in reserve
Clyde Bentley:
The Stars and Bars leaves the field
Clyde Bentley:
Victorious bluecoats celebrate
Clyde Bentley:
The Stars and Stripes in victory
Clyde Bentley:
102/365 Battle of Boonville
Clyde Bentley:
Union soldier