cluttershop: French Ideas Translated into Gowns for the American Girl
cluttershop: Advanced in Appearance
cluttershop: New Styles and New Textiles in Wise Combination
cluttershop: McCall's Magazine Spring Fashions
cluttershop: McCall Patterns
cluttershop: Jacket.jpg
cluttershop: Needlecraft - 'smart frocks'
cluttershop: Slip-Over Apron
cluttershop: Woman's World magazine
cluttershop: Learning to Crochet
cluttershop: Holeproof Hosiery
cluttershop: Summer frocks
cluttershop: Junior Modes for Summer
cluttershop: Chic for the Growing Girl
cluttershop: Newest School Clothes Are Simply Designed
cluttershop: Gay Disguises for Hallowe'en Revelers pt.1
cluttershop: Gay Disguises for Hallowe'en Revelers pt.2
cluttershop: McCall Style News February 1935
cluttershop: Dainty Simplicity
cluttershop: We are waiting for you in Florida
cluttershop: McCall's Magazine
cluttershop: Cover art
cluttershop: Woman's World May 1921
cluttershop: Combining Unbleached Muslin with Cretonne and Gingham
cluttershop: Unbleached muslin blouse detail
cluttershop: Unbleached muslin - apron detail
cluttershop: Woman's World Color Complexion Chart
cluttershop: Woman's World Book of Fashions
cluttershop: The Hat and Bonnet for the Woman of Sixty
cluttershop: The Autumn Flower Toque