Cluster Munition Coalition:
Representative from the Zambian delegation joins the CMC morning briefing, to talk about the upcoming 4MSP in Zambia, Sept 2013
Cluster Munition Coalition:
Representatives from the Togo delegation join Wednesday's CMC morning briefing, to talk about the upcoming regional conference in Togo, May 2013
Cluster Munition Coalition:
Representatives from the Togo delegation join Wednesday's CMC morning briefing, to talk about the upcoming regional conference in Togo, May 2013
Cluster Munition Coalition:
Representatives from the Togo delegation join Wednesday's CMC morning briefing, to talk about the upcoming regional conference in Togo, May 2013
Cluster Munition Coalition:
Representatives from the Togo delegation join Wednesday's CMC morning briefing, to talk about the upcoming regional conference in Togo, May 2013
Cluster Munition Coalition:
Members of the CMC delegation during one of the daily morning campaign breifings
Cluster Munition Coalition:
Aisha Saeed from Yemen provides her updates from the conference, during the daily CMC morning breifings