Cluster Munition Coalition: Mark Hiznay (Human Right Watch) speaks at the CMC campaign orientation meeting
Cluster Munition Coalition: Paul Hannon (Mines Action Canada) speaks at the CMC campaign orientation meeting
Cluster Munition Coalition: Amelie Chayer (ICBL-CMC staff) speaks at the CMC campaign orientation meeting
Cluster Munition Coalition: CMC campaign orientation meeting
Cluster Munition Coalition: Audrey and Danisa in the CMC logitics office
Cluster Munition Coalition: Audrey and Danisa in the CMC logistics office
Cluster Munition Coalition: CMC morning briefing
Cluster Munition Coalition: CMC campaigners Jelena (Serbia), Nerina (Bosnia) and Kate (UK)
Cluster Munition Coalition: Camille Gosselin and Thomas Nash
Cluster Munition Coalition: Atle Karlsen from NPA
Cluster Munition Coalition: Atle Karlsen from NPA