clumsylady: biggest dork in the BIGGEST plane seat
clumsylady: business class pre-flight reading
clumsylady: leg room in business class
clumsylady: salad in business class
clumsylady: turns into a BED!
clumsylady: singapore airport
clumsylady: orchid garden
clumsylady: taksi
clumsylady: bougainvillea
clumsylady: IMG_1910
clumsylady: only geeks like me would get this...
clumsylady: monkey outside my complex!
clumsylady: monkey outside my complex!
clumsylady: mosque
clumsylady: in prep of independence day
clumsylady: LIBRARY!
clumsylady: pekanbaru airport
clumsylady: this is endre
clumsylady: view from the office
clumsylady: view of the oakwood from the room
clumsylady: housekeeping straightened up EVERYTHING
clumsylady: children's independence day parade
clumsylady: bajaj
clumsylady: at the monas
clumsylady: dora at the monas