clpreg: (sitting in moe's) um why is there a river in the street?
clpreg: Depending how you read this sign, it could mean two very different things.
clpreg: Essential roadtrip snacks are purchased. Cashier at Moe's told us to drive west. Christy/Clay roadtrip begins now.
clpreg: Coffee in hand, and the roadtrip begins!
clpreg: I brought him along to be the driver.
clpreg: No brakes!
clpreg: People in this van are totally driven.
clpreg: Eisenhower tunnel.
clpreg: Impossible.
clpreg: Stop one, outlets at Silverthorne.
clpreg: Rapidly scamper to the exit!
clpreg: New kicks.
clpreg: With the Hipstamatic.
clpreg: Take me.
clpreg: Clay playing photographer.
clpreg: Fancy dinner.
clpreg: Rabbit Ears Motel.
clpreg: Rabbit Ears Motel.
clpreg: We play Scrabble.
clpreg: Take two.
clpreg: River view from the hotel room.
clpreg: Does not look so menacing.
clpreg: For when you want to eat healthy, but then not really.
clpreg: Crappy paperbacks for a day of lounging in the hot springs.
clpreg: Driver.
clpreg: Trees.
clpreg: Rocks and stuff.
clpreg: Rocks and snow.
clpreg: Canyon driving.
clpreg: Computer tutor.