clpreg: Please note our Christmas tree. Take that Charlie Brown.
clpreg: Christmas! One corner of our apartment is very festive.
clpreg: Wrapping presents. Still trying to decide who to give this to. Any takers?
clpreg: Puppy love.
clpreg: Quick clay visit and @lilmissjen and I are ready to hit the road!
clpreg: Detour through middle of nowhere Iowa. Putting complete faith into the truck leading the pack.
clpreg: Furry hat.
clpreg: Jumping Jacks!
clpreg: Rocking the flannel and my furry hat.
clpreg: Building forts. I really should do this more often.
clpreg: "please, please play hide and seek with me?"
clpreg: Snowed and iced in. But, at least the power is back on.
clpreg: Fluffy tree!
clpreg: Yea we like John Denver in this house, what of it?
clpreg: Me and my favorite
clpreg: My favorite Christmas tradition is going through grandma's "junk jewelry" one of my finds.
clpreg: Tis the season for snuggies!! 3 generations of snuggies: me, mom, and grandpa
clpreg: Retro popcorn popper from the bro and sis-in-law.
clpreg: Playmobil!
clpreg: Nerf gun!
clpreg: Daddyo and son playing with the trainset.
clpreg: JD and his new train set from Santa!
clpreg: Oscar and Sadie.
clpreg: Hipster Christmas tree.
clpreg: Hipster kid.
clpreg: Hipster Bro.
clpreg: Hipster Grandpa.
clpreg: Hipster Christmas Appetizers.
clpreg: Hipster train set.
clpreg: Fun with Hipstamatic app.