clpreg: Lovin' him some monkey.
clpreg: Oscar the Monster.
clpreg: The dogs.
clpreg: My evening plans: curled up on the floor in front of the fire with a book and the dogs.
clpreg: Awkward picture.
clpreg: Pretty picture.
clpreg: Playing Scrabble. At the bar. On the phone.
clpreg: Clay: "Get anything you want to drink for your birthday"
clpreg: Beer storage.
clpreg: Dance party?
clpreg: My much OLDER cousin.
clpreg: Here's to being 25.
clpreg: Parking garage party.
clpreg: PBRs in the car.
clpreg: Cousins.
clpreg: I am short.
clpreg: Alcohol inevitably encourages me to steal.