clpreg: Camping!
clpreg: Cousin 1.
clpreg: Cousin 2.
clpreg: Adventure for fire wood.
clpreg: Tire swing.
clpreg: FAIL.
clpreg: Oscar looking for firewood.
clpreg: Nature.
clpreg: Corn!
clpreg: Smoky.
clpreg: Oscar and Rip.
clpreg: Ran out of firewood.
clpreg: Attempt to pull down a branch.
clpreg: Jeff decided climbing/hatchet was the best method.
clpreg: Hatchet.
clpreg: Success!
clpreg: Rip.
clpreg: I did not help at all.
clpreg: Hatchet man.
clpreg: Next morning at breakfast.
clpreg: Beautiful blue sky.
clpreg: Glorious.