clpreg: Aron and the B-day girl!
clpreg: Show off that Busch Light.
clpreg: Haha.
clpreg: "B"
clpreg: Naughty boys in the back.
clpreg: Gatorade!
clpreg: PBR.
clpreg: Hey a ticket!
clpreg: The bus' A/C.
clpreg: Liquor store stop.
clpreg: Hey.
clpreg: You can't tell here, but I'm sitting on a saddle.
clpreg: With the B-day lady!
clpreg: Wheels making friends.
clpreg: The boys.
clpreg: Adorable.
clpreg: Selfy.
clpreg: Also adorable.
clpreg: These kids are way too gangster for Banjo Billy.
clpreg: Mustache.
clpreg: Zip Code Guy - Boulder street performer.
clpreg: Uh oh.
clpreg: Taking pics of taking pics?
clpreg: Um, right.
clpreg: Naari.
clpreg: Julio.
clpreg: "Daddy, what is he doing?"
clpreg: Everyone's favorite Swede.
clpreg: YEE HAW!!!!!!!
clpreg: Me and my PBR