clpreg: Boats heading out to Halong Bay.
clpreg: Halong Bay.
clpreg: Boats and epic cliffs.
clpreg: Pirates?
clpreg: Floating village.
clpreg: more cliffs. and boats. and water.
clpreg: Fruit vendor.
clpreg: Halong Bay selfy.
clpreg: Fresh seafood.
clpreg: from the fish market.
clpreg: puppies.
clpreg: this guy totally posed for me.
clpreg: kids on the floating village.
clpreg: love this pic.
clpreg: fighting cocks.
clpreg: our boat for the tour.
clpreg: heading out into Halong Bay.
clpreg: epic.
clpreg: Floating village.
clpreg: the street-vendor equivalent.
clpreg: boats and floating village.
clpreg: I can't get enough of these islands.
clpreg: falling for the legend.
clpreg: the lonely island.
clpreg: overlooking the bay.