clpreg: we have a map and a van.
clpreg: driving across the harbour bridge.
clpreg: probably lost.
clpreg: beware of cows.
clpreg: i'm pretty BA in this van.
clpreg: being the navigator.
clpreg: beautiful.
clpreg: mountains.
clpreg: Kangaroo hopping.
clpreg: there it is!
clpreg: want a rice cracker?
clpreg: pulling over for the photo op.
clpreg: peacock.
clpreg: paragliders over the hills
clpreg: blue water.
clpreg: blue sky.
clpreg: jump.
clpreg: lighthouse
clpreg: looking down
clpreg: rocky cliffs of byron bay
clpreg: blue water, blue skies.
clpreg: overlooking the bay
clpreg: playing in the water
clpreg: beach at byron bay
clpreg: paradise.
clpreg: camping out.
clpreg: crazy beach
clpreg: picture walking out here at night
clpreg: lone tree
clpreg: perhaps a little foreshadowing.