caroclou: Monday - First Coffee Together
caroclou: Spare change
caroclou: Metro with Tête à Claques theme
caroclou: Galleries Lafayette
caroclou: Galleries LaFayette shops
caroclou: Galleries Lafayette Dome
caroclou: Picture in Saint-Eustache
caroclou: Saint-Eustache (?)
caroclou: Notre Dame
caroclou: Place de la Justice
caroclou: Looking over the side
caroclou: Kissy-kissy
caroclou: What the Heck?
caroclou: Thoughfully looking out
caroclou: Posing
caroclou: Looking good by the Seine
caroclou: Nice view by the Seine
caroclou: Tuesday - Les Catacombes de Paris
caroclou: Le cimetière Montparnasse
caroclou: Eating Crêpes by Montparnasse
caroclou: Eating a Crêpe
caroclou: Caro and Brant
caroclou: Muri what are you doing?
caroclou: Montmartre
caroclou: Wednesday - Pâtisseries
caroclou: At Pâtisserie Paul
caroclou: Coat caught in Metro Doors
caroclou: Looking at Saint-Sulpice
caroclou: St. Sulpice
caroclou: Brant in the Jardin du Luxembourg