Cloudfree: The Kennington Oval 1st June 2022
Cloudfree: Candle Larkspur, Delphinium Elatum, Hoo, Kent
Cloudfree: Papaver hybridum 'Pink Peony'. Hoo, Kent
Cloudfree: Pink canna Lily, Zantedeschia rehmannii. My garden
Cloudfree: Red vein Abluton, Callianthe picta, The Temperate House, Kew Gardens
Cloudfree: Angel’s Wings Prickly Pear Cactus, Opuntia microdasys. Kew Gardens
Cloudfree: Showy medinilla, Medinilla magnifica. Kew Gardens
Cloudfree: Grewia Occidentalis, Kew Gardens
Cloudfree: Syringa, Kew Gardens
Cloudfree: Rosa chinensis, my garden.
Cloudfree: Gazania rigens, my garden
Cloudfree: Nubya Garcia, by Zabou - Hackney, London
Cloudfree: Redvein Abuliton, Callianthe picta, Kew Gardens
Cloudfree: Scarlet Sage, Salvia coccinea. Kew Gardens
Cloudfree: Yellow Flag, Iris Pseudacorus. Kew Gardens
Cloudfree: Vanda Orchid, Orchis Italica. Kew Gardens
Cloudfree: Purple Pitcher Plant, Sarracenia leucophylla. Kew Gardens
Cloudfree: Himalayan Crane’s Bill, Geranium himalayense. Kew Gardens
Cloudfree: Cape Margeruite, Osteospermum ecklonis. Kew Gardens