lindsatomica: girl with short shorts, black tights and a baby in her shopping cart
lindsatomica: sun pillar!
lindsatomica: sun pillar!
lindsatomica: owl on my headboard
lindsatomica: jupiter
lindsatomica: ghost hand
lindsatomica: downtown flint
lindsatomica: parking
lindsatomica: ceiling light
lindsatomica: time machine
lindsatomica: imaginary jungle
lindsatomica: laundry quarters
lindsatomica: face holes
lindsatomica: white goose
lindsatomica: my new friend
lindsatomica: chinese swan geese
lindsatomica: The Chinese swan goose equivalent of sad puppy eyes.
lindsatomica: I started to get a little nervous.
lindsatomica: blinding
lindsatomica: Cash giving my ribs a nice claw massage.
lindsatomica: Hamilton Dam
lindsatomica: hipstamatic rocks with lo-mob additions