cloudcuckooland: Unicorns
cloudcuckooland: spooooky
cloudcuckooland: Lookit! a lighthouse!
cloudcuckooland: Powerhouse
cloudcuckooland: Jumping off the wall
cloudcuckooland: I can seeee yooou
cloudcuckooland: Zali's hooked
cloudcuckooland: Ignoring the lighthouse won't make it go away....
cloudcuckooland: Metal. Shingle. Grass. Lighthouse.
cloudcuckooland: Metal. Shingle. Grass.
cloudcuckooland: Windswept
cloudcuckooland: Windswept
cloudcuckooland: Windswept
cloudcuckooland: Not much left
cloudcuckooland: "Don't think much of this place guv.."
cloudcuckooland: Zali found camping a little disorientating
cloudcuckooland: Strange men may approach you offering crackers and cheese
cloudcuckooland: Time for tea
cloudcuckooland: Camping in a field behind a pub
cloudcuckooland: Framlingham castle
cloudcuckooland: Twisted chimney at Framlingham Castle
cloudcuckooland: Angels in Framlingham church
cloudcuckooland: Angels in Framlingham church