cloudcuckooland: so many statues!
cloudcuckooland: Morning light
cloudcuckooland: Misguided attempt at dance
cloudcuckooland: Tančící dům (Dancing House)
cloudcuckooland: Worried, but we survived
cloudcuckooland: Apparently I have no hands
cloudcuckooland: Looks fishy to me..
cloudcuckooland: Sv. Vita
cloudcuckooland: Playmobil house. No really!
cloudcuckooland: up in the Hrad
cloudcuckooland: Karluv most, castle, not forgetting railings
cloudcuckooland: Didn't try to sit on these,wish I had though!
cloudcuckooland: Sv. Mikulas
cloudcuckooland: Staromestske namesti
cloudcuckooland: The Vltava
cloudcuckooland: Surveying from above
cloudcuckooland: Kampa rubbish bin
cloudcuckooland: Kampa gardens
cloudcuckooland: Kampa gardens
cloudcuckooland: Curious..
cloudcuckooland: New friend
cloudcuckooland: Undressing