cloudcuckooland: Look at the large version and see all the platforms!
cloudcuckooland: Getting the stance right
cloudcuckooland: Good day for it, though cold
cloudcuckooland: Waiting to go on the tarzan swing
cloudcuckooland: We did it!
cloudcuckooland: Lunch post-aping
cloudcuckooland: Hanging around a bit
cloudcuckooland: Tarzan swing landing. Phew!
cloudcuckooland: Paul comes in to land
cloudcuckooland: Off they go
cloudcuckooland: The ascent
cloudcuckooland: Marcus mid-air
cloudcuckooland: Marcus approaches - Edith's still on the stirrups
cloudcuckooland: Obligatory ground shot
cloudcuckooland: Nobody fell out!
cloudcuckooland: Landing (how not to)
cloudcuckooland: Tightening
cloudcuckooland: Being shown the ropes
cloudcuckooland: scary disclaimer form
cloudcuckooland: scary disclaimer form
cloudcuckooland: The sky darkens
cloudcuckooland: but, undaunted,
cloudcuckooland: he's off!
cloudcuckooland: concentrating