lolo36: Janice and Sean (ign) and the back of Cho's head
lolo36: Beer Pong Starts.... Now
lolo36: Wings from Shitty Blondies Next Door (ask Janice why...)
lolo36: Colleen, Nina and Cho Pointing
lolo36: Danielle just hit a shot
lolo36: Shit I forgot her name.. She works in the kitchen i think...
lolo36: Colleen hasn't a care in the world
lolo36: Nicole loves Drama
lolo36: Bob and Janice
lolo36: Play Beirut
lolo36: Beer Pong
lolo36: Orlando comes and eats all the wings
lolo36: How can I take so many photos of such a boring game?
lolo36: The Big Easy
lolo36: The Boys...
lolo36: Nina and Danielle
lolo36: The Carnage of Wings
lolo36: Pitchers of Beer
lolo36: Lolo Cup
lolo36: Orlando's Wings
lolo36: Chris and Cho: Media Horse Forefathers
lolo36: Colleen reads the rules
lolo36: Orlando comes with no money and eats the food
lolo36: Jack Approves Ryan's Pour
lolo36: Cho and Colleen
lolo36: Janice and Chris
lolo36: Janice and Chris II
lolo36: Sweet Georgia Brown
lolo36: Janice was sick of me taking her picture
lolo36: Colleen and Cho (for what, the 4th time?)