clonion: No. 3
clonion: A bundle of babies
clonion: Kittens!
clonion: Proud mum
clonion: Cat and kittens
clonion: Winky makes herself comfortable
clonion: Cat, lounging.
clonion: My fangèd beastie
clonion: EVIL CAT
clonion: 1 and 2
clonion: 5 sleeps.
clonion: 5 looks coy
clonion: 3 investigates the landscape
clonion: Kittens on my blanket
clonion: 2 gives 5 a clean
clonion: 5 sleeping
clonion: 5 asleep
clonion: 5 playing
clonion: 2 sleeping on my lap
clonion: 4 sleeping in my hand
clonion: 3 and 4 sleeping together
clonion: 3 sleeps contendedly
clonion: Heads and tails
clonion: 3 snoozes
clonion: Sleeping in the sun
clonion: Drawers are fun
clonion: An armful of babies
clonion: 1 plays
clonion: 2 sleeps
clonion: Kittens sit for the camera