clok_moitie: “Don’t walk behind me; I may not lead. Don’t walk in front of me; I may not follow. Just walk beside me and be my friend.” Albert Camus.
clok_moitie: Sailing for a deep sea of love.
clok_moitie: Two boxer shorts.
clok_moitie: “Follow the yellow brick road.” E. Y. Harburg.
clok_moitie: “The Black Ball”.
clok_moitie: “To write a single verse, you have to have seen many cities, people and things, you have to know animals, you have to felt how birds fly and to know the movement of the small flowers while opening in the morning.» Rainer Maria Rilke.
clok_moitie: Your car looks like ass.
clok_moitie: French bulldog portrait, a fashion kind of street photography.
clok_moitie: Eye contact & shadows dance.
clok_moitie: “Antoine et Lili.”
clok_moitie: Game over.
clok_moitie: “Red is one of the strongest colors, it’s blood, it has a power with the eye. That’s why traffic lights are red I guess, and stop signs as well... In fact I use red in all of my paintings.” Keith Haring.
clok_moitie: “There are no lines in nature, only areas of colour, one against another.” Édouard Manet.
clok_moitie: “Colors, like features, follow the changes of the emotions.” Pablo Picasso.
clok_moitie: Natural composition.
clok_moitie: Jules et Jim.
clok_moitie: When the bargeman barge in (... my pic).
clok_moitie: Striped world in a green springtime.
clok_moitie: “The future influences the present just as much as the past.” Friedrich Nietzsche
clok_moitie: Sunset woman. A tribute to @osqui’s #IG feed.
clok_moitie: Waiting for a new future.
clok_moitie: «Les Nouveaux Robinson» (“The New Robinsons”).
clok_moitie: All for 1 euro.
clok_moitie: Framed in a white square.
clok_moitie: The moment when you just rang at her door.
clok_moitie: Yellow stripes. Watch your steps!
clok_moitie: “Every saint has a past and every sinner has a future.” Oscar Wilde.
clok_moitie: Portrait of a bouquiniste (3).
clok_moitie: Portrait of a bouquiniste (2).