clogdancer: Ruth and Lou
clogdancer: Ruth and Lou
clogdancer: Ruth, impromptu hen night at Gianni's
clogdancer: Ruth, Win and Pauline at Gianni's
clogdancer: Win and Pauline at Giannis
clogdancer: Ruth and Win
clogdancer: Kathleen and Helen
clogdancer: Helen
clogdancer: Sharon and Robin in the gazebo
clogdancer: Simon and Annie
clogdancer: Barbie and Steve
clogdancer: Sarah and Neil
clogdancer: Steve explains his camera to Helen
clogdancer: Sarah and Adam
clogdancer: Ruth looking a little nervous?
clogdancer: Ruthie gets ready
clogdancer: Helen, getting ready at Sarah's, just before applying the tape that held the dress up!
clogdancer: Becky and Ruth outside Sarah's
clogdancer: THE car in all its glory
clogdancer: John and the Rolls Royce
clogdancer: Ruth, Sarah and Becky
clogdancer: John with the girls just before he collects Ruth
clogdancer: Helen and John, looking pensive
clogdancer: Birkett Girls
clogdancer: Simon and his step sisters
clogdancer: Extended Pickering Family
clogdancer: Simon, Becky, Ruth and Lou
clogdancer: Barbie, David and Sarah
clogdancer: Nana, Simon and Grandma
clogdancer: Annie and Win