Clod79: cielo di Parigi
Clod79: Ombra
Clod79: ...
Clod79: Peacefulness
Clod79: Clouds / Nuvole
Clod79: A piece of Sicilia in the sky of Firenze / Un pezzo di Sicilia nel cielo di Firenze
Clod79: "North-east sunset" / "Tramonto a nord-est"
Clod79: Sunset at Zollverein
Clod79: Sunset over Oberkassel / Tramonto su Oberkassel
Clod79: To the sky / Fino al cielo
Clod79: Summer End Postcard / Cartolina di fine estate
Clod79: Happyness... / Felicità...
Clod79: Strange Light on the Beach
Clod79: "Sunset bricola"
Clod79: Boats' Rest / Il riposo delle barche
Clod79: Beach / Spiaggia
Clod79: Half sun
Clod79: Undertones... / Sfumature...
Clod79: Fishing the Light...
Clod79: Out of my Window #3
Clod79: ...
Clod79: Vinci
Clod79: Riva del Garda
Clod79: Trentino
Clod79: Out of my Window #2
Clod79: (Mc 1,17) - Easter Sunset