tapehead47: BrkBrdg, Center walkway near top
tapehead47: BrkBridge thru mist
tapehead47: BrkBridge, View from Middle with Lamp
tapehead47: Brkln Bridge view of skyline to south
tapehead47: CIMG0902
tapehead47: CIMG1131
tapehead47: CIMG0903
tapehead47: CIMG1238
tapehead47: CIMG1273
tapehead47: CIMG1272
tapehead47: CIMG1276
tapehead47: CIMG1286
tapehead47: CIMG1303
tapehead47: CIMG1305
tapehead47: CIMG1306
tapehead47: CIMG1308
tapehead47: CIMG1356
tapehead47: CIMG1371
tapehead47: CIMG1379
tapehead47: CIMG1378
tapehead47: CIMG1381
tapehead47: CIMG1388
tapehead47: CIMG1393
tapehead47: It's been fun...
tapehead47: CIMG1403
tapehead47: Deli, Flowers, Here and Now
tapehead47: Deli, Flowers, Surreal lighting
tapehead47: Empire State, Nite
tapehead47: Empire State Looking Up
tapehead47: GrZ, the twin survivors