tapehead47: P1100521
tapehead47: P1100524
tapehead47: P1100525
tapehead47: P1100536
tapehead47: P1100537
tapehead47: P1100539
tapehead47: P1100545
tapehead47: P1100547
tapehead47: P1100552
tapehead47: P1100555
tapehead47: P1100557
tapehead47: P1100558
tapehead47: P1100563
tapehead47: P1100576
tapehead47: P1100533Nutcracker, kleegs, flashes
tapehead47: P1100536 carol of the bells full blown
tapehead47: P1100569 Drum solo!
tapehead47: TSO Finale
tapehead47: TSO Keyboards and production
tapehead47: TSO Stage decending, full blown
tapehead47: TSO Carol of the Bells, full blown