tapehead47: Sunset from our hotel balcony
tapehead47: Les whips it out
tapehead47: the Kennedy Bldg?
tapehead47: guest harp player and Stephan on Guitar
tapehead47: Les gets down
tapehead47: Stephan on 2nd guitar
tapehead47: CIMG0019
tapehead47: Les and Bob
tapehead47: George and Tricia
tapehead47: Les concentrates
tapehead47: Les in Blue
tapehead47: Pete and Stephan
tapehead47: Hans behind the congas
tapehead47: Guest musician
tapehead47: Stephan in blue
tapehead47: Steve and Rod
tapehead47: CIMG0031
tapehead47: Party people
tapehead47: Hans, Micheal Ann, and Drummer boy
tapehead47: CIMG0044
tapehead47: Me, Vicki, and Stephan
tapehead47: Pete and Duane
tapehead47: Vicki, Tricia and George
tapehead47: Tricia, George, and Vicki
tapehead47: Hans in action
tapehead47: Pete on Bass
tapehead47: CIMG0057
tapehead47: CIMG0060
tapehead47: Steve on Rhythm
tapehead47: Dianna and Amy