cloakndaguer: Chains
cloakndaguer: Bridge in Paris
cloakndaguer: Fischerman on the Seine
cloakndaguer: Bridge of Paris, quai Austerlitz
cloakndaguer: Fisherman
cloakndaguer: sawn neck
cloakndaguer: Sawn in love on the Seine
cloakndaguer: 2 Sawns in Paris
cloakndaguer: Sawns on the Seine
cloakndaguer: A sawn body
cloakndaguer: Sawn on the seine
cloakndaguer: Seagull in Paris
cloakndaguer: Seagull in the sky
cloakndaguer: Morning walk!
cloakndaguer: Art near the Seine, Paris
cloakndaguer: Modern art near the Seine
cloakndaguer: Emergency boat, Paris
cloakndaguer: Cormoran on the Seine
cloakndaguer: Cormoran
cloakndaguer: Goéland argenté et taggé!
cloakndaguer: Lumb wood, Paris
cloakndaguer: Cormoran noir, Paris
cloakndaguer: Boats on the Seine
cloakndaguer: Boats in Paris
cloakndaguer: DSC_6183
cloakndaguer: Close-up of a boat, Paris
cloakndaguer: Boat of Paris