Doeki: Working Title: The House on Barker Street. An Artist Book.
Doeki: 10.29.2015. Cover of textile long stitch artist book coming along.
Doeki: Channeling Adeline
Doeki: The House on Barker Street. | WIP. | stitched pages in progress
Doeki: 11.25.2015 | The House on Barker Street: An Artist Book. | front and back cover in progress
Doeki: 11.28.2015 | The House on Barker Street. | Almost done with the back cover. (Detail)
Doeki: 11.28.2015 | The House on Barker Street. | Almost done with the back cover. (Detail)
Doeki: The House on.Barker Street
Doeki: The House on Barker Street, an artist book | Stitched page
Doeki: The House on Barker Street, an artist book | Stitched page
Doeki: The House on Barker Street. Page 5, WIP