clivenorton: Standard preparations
clivenorton: A gloomy start to the day
clivenorton: Kitted out for the weather...
clivenorton: Canyoning in Church Beck
clivenorton: Coppermines Valley
clivenorton: As places for Youth Hostels go, its pretty impressive...
clivenorton: Crags supporting Levers Water
clivenorton: Hole Rake
clivenorton: Ascending towards Red Gill Head Moss
clivenorton: Taking in the increasingly spectacular view
clivenorton: ...and photographing it
clivenorton: Getting a bit blowy - but who cares with that view?!
clivenorton: Lodgey taking it all in
clivenorton: Morecombe Bay
clivenorton: The Central Fells from the top of Hen Crag
clivenorton: Fairfield in the clag
clivenorton: Lovely Coniston Water
clivenorton: Levers Water nestled amongst its crag-girt basin
clivenorton: Black Sails
clivenorton: Panorama over Red Dell
clivenorton: Black Sails
clivenorton: Low Water
clivenorton: Nearing the summit of Wetherlam
clivenorton: A lovely landscape
clivenorton: Approaching the summit of Wetherlam
clivenorton: Wetherlam Edge
clivenorton: Wetherlam (762m); No. 35
clivenorton: Wetherlam Summit Selfie