clivenorton: Day 1: Meall Chuaich (951m)
clivenorton: A Bagging We Will Go...
clivenorton: Le Munro du Jour
clivenorton: Aqueduct running from Chuaich Power Station to Loch Ericht
clivenorton: Ancient & Modern
clivenorton: Approaching the business end of the mountain
clivenorton: Looking towards Creag Liath and the Choire Chais
clivenorton: Meall Chuaich (951m)
clivenorton: Meall Chuaich & Loch Cuaich
clivenorton: Loch Cuaich
clivenorton: Chuaich private bothy
clivenorton: Welcome to Baa-denoch (ahem)
clivenorton: It begins
clivenorton: The mountain that keeps on giving
clivenorton: Snow, glorious snow
clivenorton: From whence we came
clivenorton: Getting murky
clivenorton: Summit fever
clivenorton: The summit cairn in sight
clivenorton: Meall Chuaich (951m); No.31
clivenorton: Confidently striding off the summit. In the wrong direction...
clivenorton: Cognitive dissonance in isotropic spaces*...
clivenorton: 45 minutes later, back on track...
clivenorton: Relief...
clivenorton: Final descent
clivenorton: Day 2: A'Bhuidheanach Bheag (936m) & Carn na Caim (941m)
clivenorton: Up from the off...
clivenorton: European Hare (Lepus europaeus)
clivenorton: A'Mharconaich (975m)
clivenorton: Plotting the route