Clive Clifford: London Statue
Clive Clifford: Borough Market, London
Clive Clifford: Carnaby Street
Clive Clifford: Carnaby Street 2
Clive Clifford: Trafalgar Square
Clive Clifford: Carnaby Street 3
Clive Clifford: Snow Yew
Clive Clifford: Snow Dog
Clive Clifford: It was worth it
Clive Clifford: Leadenhall Market
Clive Clifford: Late summer thistles
Clive Clifford: Our Sheltie enjoying the freedom of Dartmoor
Clive Clifford: Quintessential Country Pub in Lustleigh Dartmoor
Clive Clifford: Ripening Wheat
Clive Clifford: Creeping Thistle
Clive Clifford: Exmoor Goat