clipkilla: My first meal in the US - a turkey BLT
clipkilla: The blinding whiteness of the Arctic Tundra - for reals!
clipkilla: Tundra over Eastern Canada
clipkilla: Drive through coffee hut!
clipkilla: Lunch - Beef Pho - not bad
clipkilla: Fortune cookie!
clipkilla: Metia branded Moleskine!!
clipkilla: JCPenney
clipkilla: Shot of the Bellevue downtown mall
clipkilla: Dogs - made of Moss
clipkilla: Yay lego store!
clipkilla: My first Safeway experience
clipkilla: The beer aisle!
clipkilla: Everything from tallies of Chimay to 1.5L Fosters - the gamut
clipkilla: The Bread aisle
clipkilla: The cheese counter
clipkilla: Stretching into the distance
clipkilla: 3.75L bottles of milk - a regular size!
clipkilla: The enormity of the freezer aisle bent the lens
clipkilla: Frozen juice concentrate
clipkilla: No words...
clipkilla: My shopping
clipkilla: I tried to get normal food!
clipkilla: Mmmm
clipkilla: Subway for dinner
clipkilla: Just what it says on the bag
clipkilla: More apartment viewage
clipkilla: Looking at downtown Bellevue from my apartment
clipkilla: Bellevue library
clipkilla: Looking back to my apartment