Cliph: My Desk (in the Office)
Cliph: My Rack
Cliph: My Desk (at home)
Cliph: DSCN2895.JPG
Cliph: Cray 1 at the Science Museum
Cliph: Cray 1 at the Science Museum
Cliph: DSCN2893.JPG
Cliph: DSCN2894.JPG
Cliph: Working
Cliph: Panoramic desk
Cliph: Waiting to board
Cliph: Wiffy
Cliph: Scandisk
Cliph: Nokia 770
Cliph: My Desk
Cliph: This is my ASDF
Cliph: Shiny Apple
Cliph: 18 01 07 - Just a Few of My Pretties
Cliph: 29 01 07 - Reliable Companion
Cliph: 26 02 07 - Ordinary Day
Cliph: 24 03 07 - Wiimote
Cliph: 04 04 07 - AT&T Floppies
Cliph: 10 04 07 - Sportster
Cliph: 13 04 07 - 10 SGI Octanes
Cliph: 18 04 07 - How the web wasn't
Cliph: 29 04 07 - Setup Today
Cliph: 07 06 07 - I type a lot
Cliph: 20 06 07 - QWERT
Cliph: 22 06 07 - My POV