Climate One:
Climate One:
Networking after the broadcast on March 29, 2012.
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Jonas Minton with an audience member.
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Jason Morrison said desalinization is not a practical solution for widespread water provision.
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"As we look forward, more tools are going to be necessary to provide that buffer of [water] variability."
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Jason Morrison described the complexity of water ownership issues.
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A consistent attendee of Climate One broadcasts asks a question about challenges facing the water market. Where are the next likely landmines?
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Laurent Auguste, CEO, Veolia Water Americas, said we should look at wastewater as a resource for the future.
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Jonas Minton, Planning and Conservation League, discussed the importance of maintaining the values of public trust.
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Greg Dalton opened the program with a question about access to water. Is it a human right?
Climate One:
A panel with three experts on water. March 29, 2012.