clickykbd: working in Bates today.
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clickykbd: living large, when your milk crate has patches!
clickykbd: city bikes like snow-cones apparently.
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clickykbd: across from tennis courts in Hyde park.
clickykbd: 45th at Ave F.
clickykbd: playing stateside for two days.
clickykbd: accidentally involved in re-commissioning the Hogg Auditorium ( rush job for commencements tomorrow! )
clickykbd: weather was too wet for this guy I guess. sad tree in my yard.
clickykbd: The rare deep sea tie line squid.
clickykbd: These are new! seen two today. #52
clickykbd: Done! If you ever want to keep a Virgo occupied for about 12 hours, this is a good way.
clickykbd: Pelican foam setup Tetris, am sure there is an art to this... wish me luck.
clickykbd: a carpet of spring.
clickykbd: and more of it.
clickykbd: my place is all kinds of purple right now!
clickykbd: spent much of my first sx evening with two lovely banjos (and the lovely pair who play them)
clickykbd: Shara Worden & So Percussion!! (could have worked this, would rather see it!)
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clickykbd: made me stop
clickykbd: new ATM error on me.
clickykbd: Vintage NOAA
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clickykbd: that is s new one. "do not apply giant tuning fork to beam above worker?"
clickykbd: old enough not to mind the kissing either. ;-)
clickykbd: my career as a projectionist might as well end here, on a high note.