Tony Lea: Arcade Building with Street Light, 137 Yonge Street, Toronto
Tony Lea: Project 365: 45/365 - Green Door, Whitby, Ontario
Tony Lea: Cupola, St. Lawrence Hall (William Thomas, 1850-51), Toronto
Tony Lea: "The Monkey's Uncle" Sherbourne and Front Streets, Toronto
Tony Lea: St James Cathedral, Toronto
Tony Lea: Ravine Trail, Vale of Avoca, Toronto
Tony Lea: Ravine Trail, Vale of Avoca, Toronto
Tony Lea: Black-Eyed Susans, Music Garden, Toronto
Tony Lea: Green, Green, Green. (Lawn and Hedgerow), Ash Street Park, Whitby, Ontario
Tony Lea: Grass, Trees and Sky, Oriole Park, Toronto
Tony Lea: Humber River Pedestrian Bridge, Toronto
Tony Lea: Humber River Pedestrian Bridge, Toronto
Tony Lea: Cyclist at the Mouth of the Humber, Toronto
Tony Lea: Grenadier Pond, High Park, Toronto
Tony Lea: Atrias II and III, Victoria Park and Sheppard Ave East, Toronto
Tony Lea: Oriole Park with Yonge-Eglinton Beyond, Toronto
Tony Lea: There's a window under there, I think, University of Toronto
Tony Lea: Ash Creek Channel Trail, Whitby, Ontario
Tony Lea: Abandoned Field, Hickory and Dundas Streets, Whitby, Ontario
Tony Lea: Ivy-Covered Window, University of Toronto
Tony Lea: Ivy-Covered Window, University of Toronto
Tony Lea: Ivy-Covered Windows, University of Toronto
Tony Lea: Walking Home, Chaplin Crescent, Toronto
Tony Lea: Lychee Leaf, Extreme Close-Up
Tony Lea: Water Drops on Lychee Leaf
Tony Lea: Water Drop on Lychee Leaf
Tony Lea: Kiwi Fruit
Tony Lea: Weeping Willow, Grenadier Pond, High Park, Toronto
Tony Lea: Basil Leaves