clickfarmer: Joey Chestnut (aka "Jaws") and Griffin
clickfarmer: With Sonya "The Black Widow" Thomas
clickfarmer: Pat "Deep Dish" Bertoletti and Griffin
clickfarmer: Sonya and Joey
clickfarmer: Pat Bertoletti, Sonya Thomas, Rich LeFevre, and Joey Chestnut
clickfarmer: Four horsemen of the esophagus
clickfarmer: Getting ready to eat a lot of asparagus
clickfarmer: Countdown to eating
clickfarmer: The contest begins
clickfarmer: Asparagus eating contest
clickfarmer: Alimentary bandwidth
clickfarmer: Midway through asparagus eating contest
clickfarmer: Asparagus eating contest
clickfarmer: Asparagus eating contest
clickfarmer: Almost finished
clickfarmer: Waiting for the final results
clickfarmer: Michael and Mike with parting gifts
clickfarmer: Joey Chestnut being interviewed