clicheforu: straight down the line with my shadow...
clicheforu: cliff bars & sluff...
clicheforu: steeper...faster...better...
clicheforu: straight above the cliff bar...
clicheforu: after riding down all the Bec...the ollie of the pleasure just before the arrival...
clicheforu: sending big...
clicheforu: nose grab above the cliff bar...
clicheforu: kickin' ass...
clicheforu: charging hard...
clicheforu: grabbing...sluffing...
clicheforu: Jonathan Charlet rippin' the Bec Des Rosses during the " Verbier Extreme " Freeride World Tour final 2014
clicheforu: three ripper...
clicheforu: straight above the double cliff bar...
clicheforu: the filming chopter...