clicheforu: A desert cover.
clicheforu: The Humming Bird/Colibri
clicheforu: A spiky pause.
clicheforu: "Got a look on you dude...miawoooh"
clicheforu: Nazca sunset.
clicheforu: Cactus sunset.
clicheforu: Till the end of the day...
clicheforu: The Hands/Manos
clicheforu: The Hands/Manos & The tree/Arbol
clicheforu: The Parrot/Papagallo
clicheforu: The Condor.
clicheforu: The Spider/Arana.
clicheforu: The Humming Bird/Colibri
clicheforu: The Trapezoids/Trapecios
clicheforu: The Dog/Perro
clicheforu: The Monkey/Mono
clicheforu: The Astronaut/Astraunauta
clicheforu: The Trapezoids/Trapecios
clicheforu: The Whale/La Ballena
clicheforu: "Let's go to the Nazca Lines"
clicheforu: Sunset over Nazca roofs.
clicheforu: Nazca moon in between...
clicheforu: Moon over the Cerro Blanco( the highest dune in the world, 2076m)