Clevergrrl: Close-up of the people on the pirate float.
Clevergrrl: Er, yeah, so they were bees.
Clevergrrl: A band rocks on a circus themed truck.
Clevergrrl: More of the band on the float
Clevergrrl: Totally awesome buff filled with zombies. (See Tatter, Expo and DJ?)
Clevergrrl: Shaun of the Dead (with cricket bat!)
Clevergrrl: Shaun of Shaun of the Dead.
Clevergrrl: On of the floats sporting a decapitated head.
Clevergrrl: Medusa on top of a hearse.
Clevergrrl: Medusa (Make sure to look at the largest size)
Clevergrrl: "Fur is out! Organic clothes are in" says the rhinocerous.
Clevergrrl: Some haunted tour van.
Clevergrrl: Professor Morte?
Clevergrrl: The first bit of the parade.
Clevergrrl: Ladybug and frenchmaid.
Clevergrrl: Parade coming.
Clevergrrl: First glimpse of the parade.
Clevergrrl: Police officer heralds in the parade.
Clevergrrl: The Vortex is packed.
Clevergrrl: A good look at the Vortex entrance.
Clevergrrl: Crowd awaiting the parade.
Clevergrrl: 40 minutes before the parade and look at the crowd!
Clevergrrl: Catgirl and Alice...
Clevergrrl: Another of Catgirl and Alice.
Clevergrrl: lol - A kid cowboy that is also his horse!
Clevergrrl: A child zombie bride?
Clevergrrl: This was just artistic, k?
Clevergrrl: We stood next to these people. Love umbrella lady!
Clevergrrl: People were cheering but there was still no parade.
Clevergrrl: Walking royalty