Clevergrrl: The Crawfish
Clevergrrl: Crawfish
Clevergrrl: Parrot fish and gouramis
Clevergrrl: Our Fish Tank!
Clevergrrl: Parrot fish hiding.
Clevergrrl: Our fish tank - new and pretty
Clevergrrl: Parrot fish and Gouramis
Clevergrrl: Parrot Fish and the Gouramis!
Clevergrrl: Parrot fish and Gouramis (again)
Clevergrrl: Crawfish under Log
Clevergrrl: Gourami with Sad Platy.
Clevergrrl: Betta 2.0 menaces Gourami
Clevergrrl: Parrot Fish
Clevergrrl: Parrot Fish
Clevergrrl: Parrot fish and Stupid Gourami
Clevergrrl: Parrot fish showing them who's the boss.
Clevergrrl: Tiny Parrot Fish
Clevergrrl: Platys, guppies, & gouramis.
Clevergrrl: Pink Kissing Gouramis