Patty Mooney: Black Kitty Cat, San Diego, California
Patty Mooney: Black Kitty Cat Resting
Patty Mooney: IMG_5933
Patty Mooney: Magi's Cat Tawny, At Attention
Patty Mooney: Tawny the Cat, Lounging
Patty Mooney: Tawny the Cat, Cleanliness is Next to Purrrfection
Patty Mooney: Tawny the Cat
Patty Mooney: Christmas Kitty
Patty Mooney: Kitty Reflected in Window
Patty Mooney: Small Leopard
Patty Mooney: Small Snow Leopard
Patty Mooney: Leopard on a Leash, San Diego
Patty Mooney: Cat on the Front Porch
Patty Mooney: Black Cat Under the Tree, Ben Lomond, California
Patty Mooney: Woman Near her kitchen door on Paros, with cat, 1980
Patty Mooney: P4130132
Patty Mooney: Panther Under Christmas Tree, Ben Lomond, California
Patty Mooney: Here Kitty Kitty
Patty Mooney: The Spots Tell the Story
Patty Mooney: Black Cat, Sirmione
Patty Mooney: Black Cat, Sirmione
Patty Mooney: Black Cat, Sirmione
Patty Mooney: IMG_2323
Patty Mooney: IMG_2324
Patty Mooney: IMG_2326
Patty Mooney: IMG_9509
Patty Mooney: IMG_9510
Patty Mooney: IMG_9511