clemsonunivlibrary: Help the Library write its New Year's Resolutions! "In 2013 we will_______"
clemsonunivlibrary: Put whiteboards on all floors!
clemsonunivlibrary: Eww...CLEAN the mice & keyboards (They're brown)
clemsonunivlibrary: Clean the Dyson hand defeats the point of washing your hands when you have all the nasty old hand water residue built up on them.
clemsonunivlibrary: Keep the Zoning and train freshmen/transfers it it. It's GLORIOUS!
clemsonunivlibrary: We will rock you
clemsonunivlibrary: comfier chairs
clemsonunivlibrary: Buy a better pencil sharpener. Please!
clemsonunivlibrary: Suggest more popular reading. Yes!
clemsonunivlibrary: Build a new lib with more seats!
clemsonunivlibrary: 24 hours on Fri & Sat!
clemsonunivlibrary: Be open 24-7-365 (366 on leap year)
clemsonunivlibrary: Fix color printing pweezee. Yes!!!
clemsonunivlibrary: Lose at least 8 books a week with diet & exercise.
clemsonunivlibrary: origami cow
clemsonunivlibrary: A puppy play room to eleminate stress
clemsonunivlibrary: All the free coffee
clemsonunivlibrary: more couches above the 2nd floor
clemsonunivlibrary: origami cow