clemsonunivlibrary: Question 27: The library has a limited number of study rooms - what do you think would be the fairest method for making them available to all the students who need them?
clemsonunivlibrary: fight to the death wtih swords. Last one standing gets room
clemsonunivlibrary: silent auction
clemsonunivlibrary: Rock Paper Scissors
clemsonunivlibrary: Rock Paper Scissors Lizard Spock Bazinga!
clemsonunivlibrary: sign-up sheest
clemsonunivlibrary: 1) classification (50%) 2) power:weight ratio (25%) 3) fight record (25%)
clemsonunivlibrary: electoral college
clemsonunivlibrary: Hunger Games
clemsonunivlibrary: Thunderdome Rules! 2 men enter. 1 man leaves. We don't need another hero.
clemsonunivlibrary: Feats fo strength
clemsonunivlibrary: Battle royale in the exper. forest