clemsonunivlibrary: It's the end of the school year! Feeling nostalgic? Share a 6-word memoir of your days and nights at Cooper.
clemsonunivlibrary: Met my 1st boyfriend here.
clemsonunivlibrary: coffee, coding, then math, more coffee
clemsonunivlibrary: Genetics, MCAT, MCAT, Facebook, MCAT, MCAT
clemsonunivlibrary: Crushed. Guy. With. Book. Case.
clemsonunivlibrary: Java City. All nighters. bonding time. <3 my coop nights
clemsonunivlibrary: I am here all the time.
clemsonunivlibrary: Feeling ready to leave this place.
clemsonunivlibrary: Spending more time in Cooper than in my bed. :)
clemsonunivlibrary: I am out of here, man! Ahhhhhhhhhh!!
clemsonunivlibrary: Bean bag bed between bookshelves
clemsonunivlibrary: Studying? More like people watching