clemsonunivlibrary: Question 5: What will the Clemson Library be like in the year 2022?
clemsonunivlibrary: Demolished & Re-built I wish!
clemsonunivlibrary: Hopefully the same! This place rooocks!
clemsonunivlibrary: All of the outlets!...Might work! Damnit!!
clemsonunivlibrary: There will be a 24 hour Java City! Also, new tables & chairs!
clemsonunivlibrary: the same exact thing because nothing around here changes
clemsonunivlibrary: Get more than 1 library
clemsonunivlibrary: A smoldering heap...Thanks, Mayans
clemsonunivlibrary: You'll be able to print 11x17 pdf files...
clemsonunivlibrary: it matches the rest of the buildings on campus...
clemsonunivlibrary: The robot overlords will have no need for this "library." They will use the facility to process their human slaves. - a prophet I, for one, welcome our robot overlords...
clemsonunivlibrary: working computers & really good wifi
clemsonunivlibrary: will build down instead of up: the current 1st floor will be the 10th floor and the 1st floor will be the scariest place on earth