clemsonunivlibrary: Question 10: A mission statement declares the purpose of an organization. If you had to write the library's mission statement, what would it be?
clemsonunivlibrary: To have library detectives like on Seinfeld.
clemsonunivlibrary: To save the world, one book at a time
clemsonunivlibrary: To aid the students, faculty, and staff in their quest to acquire knowledge, whether it's through research or independent study.
clemsonunivlibrary: To promote a higher seminary of learning...
clemsonunivlibrary: To provide a safe and quiet location that offers, resources for academic endeavors
clemsonunivlibrary: To be open 24/7 for when I have no place better to be. To be open 24/7 except when they're not *ahem* Friday & Saturday nights. Like
clemsonunivlibrary: To provide support to Clemson researchers at the times and places they need it
clemsonunivlibrary: It's a library for fuck's sake, not a million $ corporation! Just buy the books and journals.
clemsonunivlibrary: Top 20. Top 20. Top 20. Top 20.
clemsonunivlibrary: One book, one love
clemsonunivlibrary: The Library's mission should be to be the BEST place to find information on anything & everything. So, START COLLECTING
clemsonunivlibrary: Promise big. Deliver small.
clemsonunivlibrary: Actions NOT words
clemsonunivlibrary: To assist the University, to become & stay a marketplace of ideas.
clemsonunivlibrary: One book to rule them all, one book to find them. One book to bring them all, and in the darkness bind them.