clemsonunivlibrary: Do you ever worry about your personal safety in or around the library? Please tell us where and why!
clemsonunivlibrary: The basement creeps me out...o_o
clemsonunivlibrary: Yeah, it's totally a creepy dungeon on the 1st floor. Total serial killer vibe down there. Exactly, that and if the lights go out..oh man... just like The Ring (2002) except the bookshelves make multiple corridors...ahh the horror!
clemsonunivlibrary: Only when it rains...Everything outside 4th floor is slippery
clemsonunivlibrary: Fall off the library bridge!!
clemsonunivlibrary: Not personal safety but poor people steal books, laptops...
clemsonunivlibrary: Outside in general at 12:00am or later
clemsonunivlibrary: I swear I'm going to be crushed to death between the moving bookcases down on the 1st floor. And that no one will hear my screams and save me!!! Ahhh!!! I tested them. Stood between them and asked a friend to close them on me. You can stop them with your